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Showing posts from August, 2021

shaligrama its importance

what is special in shaligrama ? shaligramashilarupi yatra tisthati keshava tatra devah surah yagna bhuvanani chaturdasha|| १११ || (kr.Mah)  Where Lord Keshava resides in the form of the Saligrama Shila, in such a place all the devatas, suras, yajnas and the 14 worlds are present.  yatha kashthagato vhanirmathanasthane prakashate  tatha sarvagato vishnussaligrame prakashate || ११२ || (kr. Mah) Even though there are all kinds of firewood in this world, when “Arani wood” is rubbed against each other, fire ignites. Similarly, even though Vishnu is present everywhere, His special presence radiates in Saligrama. what happens if you do pooja of shaligrama? kotidwadashakairlinge pujeetaih suvarnapankajaih yatsyadwadashakalpeshu dinanaikena labhyate ||115|| kr. mah The merits that one gets by worshipping 12 crores Lingas for 12 Kalpas using Golden Lotuses is obtained by worshipping Saligrama for just one day! so, you can't even imagine what could be the power of shaligram however nowadays t