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Is prophet muhammad really mentioned in the vedas ?

prophet muhammad is mentioned in the vedas is claimed  by mr zakir naik alone .
His excited dumb followers as well as some dumb sickular Hindus accepted his statements without even cross checking the statements .

some Quotations which mr naik exploits is
Rig veda 1.13.3 ,1.53.9 and  5.5.2
yajurveda 20.37

 there are many more verses like these but here mr naik delibrately chose to exploit is the word ( nara shamsaha which means praised by men)
he quotes all the verses in which narashamsa is been mentioned and misleads people by saying its prophet muhammad.

vedas contain hymns and verses for devas like  indra ,vayu ,agni etc
and there is no specific mention of muhammad .

look at the following hymns

rig veda 1.13.3
narasamsamhiha priyamasminajna upahvaye |
madhujihvat haviskrtam ||

i kindle the fire in this yagna which is beloved and benificient to people ,the sweet tounged and in which obligations are put.

rig veda  5.5.2
narasamsah susudatimm yajnamadabhyah |
kavirhi madhuhastaha ||

He, Narāśaṁsa who is free from deceit ,is sweet handed .He showers nectar in this yajna he enjoys much happiness there by .

rigveda  1: 53:9
twametanjanarajno dwirdhasambandhuna susravasopajagmasah
sastim sahasra naivatim nava sruto ni chakrena rathya duspada vranak

with all outstripping chariot wheel,oh Indra ,
thou far famed ,hast overthrown the twice ten kings of men ,with sixty thousand nine and ninety followers ,who came in arms to fight with susravas.

this talks about indra deva defeating suravas .
now ask mr zakir is  indra the new prophet ...?

yajurveda 20.37 ( white )
narasamsaha prati suro mimanastnunapaiprati yagnasya dhama| gobhirvapavan madhuna samajnan hiranyeschandri
yajati prachetah||

he who is praised by public is the dicoverer of different objects , he is master of just behaviour ,is fearless ,maintains the vitalityof his body,
is engaged in agriculture with oxen ,full of knowledge ,is wealthy with gold is extremely wise ,performs yajna ,is fit for us
to seek shelter .

(these shlokas are been recited during coronation ceremonies of the king so here narashamsa is been mentioned to the king .)

bhavishya purana
mahamadh ithi khayat, shishya-sakha-samniviyath 5
....... mahadev marusthal nivasinam.
here mahamad doesnt mean muhammad
it means great pride or intoxicated  maha : great  madha : intoxicated >

tripurarsur-nashav bahu-maya pravathiney 7
malech-dharma shav shudhaya sat-chit-anandaya swarupye,
thva ma hei kinkare vidhii sharanaghatham 8

 verses 7-8 relate, the Aryan King Bhojaraja, who had already left India for the lands across the Sindhu River and to the west, meets Mahamada [ it means person who was intoxiated but here muslims claim he is Mohammed], the preceptor of the mleccha-dharma [religion of the mlecchas], who had arrived with his followers.

Thereafter, however, the King went to worship the image of Lord Mahadev, the great god Shiva, situated in the marusthal, desert. King Bhoj bathed the image of Shiva with Ganges water and worshiped him in his mind with panchagavya (the five purificatory elements from the cow, consisting of milk, ghee, yogurt, cow dung, and cow urine), along with sandalwood paste, etc., and offered him, the image of Shiva, sincere prayers and devotion. King Bhoj prayed to Lord Mahadev, "O Girijanath who stays in the marusthal (land of deserts), I offer my prayers to you.

You have forced maya [the illusory energy] to destroy Tripurasur [the demon Tripura]; but the mlecchas are now worshiping you. You are pure and sat-chit-anand swaroop [eternal knowledge and bliss]. I am your sevak [servant]. I have come under your protection."

suta uvacha: ithi shurthiya sthav deva shabadh-mah nupaya tam,
gath-vaya bhojraj-ney mahakhaleshwar-sthale 9

malech-shu dhushita bhumi-vahika nam-vishritha
arya dharma hi nav-vathra vahike desh-darunya 10

Verses  relates next that Suta Goswami explained: After hearing the king’s prayers and being pleased with him, Lord Shiva said: "Let the King go to Mahakaleshwar (Ujjain) in the land of Vahika, which is now contaminated by mlecchas.

 O King, the land where you are standing, that is popular by the name of Bahik, has been polluted by the mlecchas. In that terrible country there no longer exists Dharma. There was a mystic demon named Tripura (Tripurasura), whom I have already burnt to ashes once before, he has come again by the order of Bali.

 He has no origin but he achieved a benediction from me. His name is Mahamada and his deeds are like that of a ghost. Therefore, O king, you should not go to this land of the evil ghost. By my mercy your intelligence will be purified." [This would seem to indicate that this Mahamada was an incarnation of the demon Tripura.] So hearing this, the king came back to his country and Mahamada came with them, but only to the bank of the river Sindhu. He was expert in expanding illusion, so he said to the king very pleasingly, "O great king, your god has become my servant. Just see, as he eats my remnants, so I will show you."

Later, in the form of a ghostly presence, the expert illusionist Mahamada appeared at night in front of King Bhojaraja and said: "O King, your religion is of course known as the best religion among all. Still, by the order of the Lord, I am going to establish a terrible and demoniac religion and enforce a strong creed over the meat-eaters [mlecchas].

these verses confirms the meleccha( meat eaters who are uncivilized ) dharma .

linga-chedri shikhaheen shamshu dhaari sa dhushak
yukhalapi sarva bhakshi bhavishyat jano maum 25

vina kaul cha pashav-thosha bhakshava matha maum
muslanav sanskar kushariv bhavishyat 26

tasman-musal-vanto hi jathiyo dharma dhushika
ithi pishacha-dharma mya kruth 27

My followers will be known by their cut [circumcised] genitals, they will have no shikha [tuft of hair on their head, like Brahmanas], but will have a beard, make noise loudly, and eat all kinds of animals except swine without observing any rituals. They will perform purificatory acts with the musala, and thus be called musalman, and not purify their things with kusha grass [one of the Vedic customs]. Thus, I will be the originator of this adharmic [opposed to Vedic or Aryan Dharma] and demoniac religion of the meat-eating nations."

 After having heard all this, the Bhavishya Purana goes on to relate that King Bhojaraja returned to his land and palace, and that ghost of the man also went back to his own place.
so here muhammad is been mentioned indirectly in very derogatory manner as the teacher of maleccha( uncivilized and meat eaters)

however there is an another theory behind bhavishya purana
Dr ashok chattopadhyay ,head of sanskrit department  ( university of calcutta)
had said that original bhavishya purana is no more the present version which we have now is considered fake
and he said present version has been written during the time of mughal or the british rule .

and his argument i find almost correct because
narada purana describes bhavishya purana is been divided into 5
1. Bramha 2 .vaishnava 3 . shaiva 4. saura and 5.pratisarga

in present bhavishya purana it has 4 parts .
narada purana and matsya purana describes bramha teaching manu in aghora kalpa which is nowhere found in bhavishya purana .

as i said in my previous post whenever there is contradiction or confusion between puranas then vedas alone should be taken as authority.

And its proven that Muhammad is not been mentioned in the vedas and mention of Muhammad in hinduism is utter crap.


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