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Act of sex in detail

As we discussed it in last post about sexuality in general with rules and regulations .
The reason why i am posting is because if i don't reveal these secrets one would easily fall into wrong info circulated in name of 
kamasutra. Here i would discuss the act more explicitly ,so viewer discretion is been adviced .

Kamasutra by Andrei Damo Painting by Madalin Tufeanu | Saatchi Art
so last time i said there are 3 body types of male according to books and 3 body types of female but ananga ranga and rati rahasya also states that

there are 4 body types of female : padmini,shankhini, chitrini and hastini which get further categorised as mrigi,ashvini  and karini .

These are general judments of physique so nearest body type according to category can be alloted because you usually won't get these exact body shapes .
so proper judement should be done with respect to body type.

So i would consider types of women and men then i would go towards 
Act of copulation according to body types and the act .

This info contains Important points which vulgar videos doesn't want you to know so that they can sell insecurity to
 you and they can run their business .

The  padmini woman : This woman is considered to be the best in nature and for sexuality as well ,she is delicate and of mild nature and breasts are like sriphala fruits and the yoni looks like lotus in bloom.

The chitrini woman : The second best woman in nature and sexuality ,she is neither too long nor too short .she is thin but has large breasts and yoni ,symmetric thighs and is soft and well lubricated inside

The shankhini woman : She is neither fat nor too thin .she posseses long legs and long torso ,quick tempered and yoni is covered with  pubic hair

The hastini woman : She is thick in body and her breasts are large and her yoni is quite large and she has lots of hair in her body ( as compared to others) .

The methods of pleasing the above 4 kinds are been mentioned in the end

They are further categorised into 3 types  : 
1.Deer(mrigi) : Delicate , breasts are firm and promonent ,thighs and abdomens not much fat .Her Fluid has fragrance of flowers
 Her yoni is six angulas or six fingers deep.

2.Mare( Ashvini) : ears and face long , breasts full and firm like water pitchers ,abdomen is asymmetrical but pleasing ,thighs even and short , fluid yellowish and smells like flesh ,her fluid flows easily and yoni measures 9 fingers deep.

3.Elephant (karini) : arms and thighs  short and broad , has deep voice and heavy body , her yoni measures 12 fingers deep and her fluids flows profusely fluid smells like that of an elephant in rut.

The 3 types of male :

1.Hare (shasha): men are thin and small .Their Fluid is fragrant and they prefer brief physical unions .Their male organ ranges till 6 fingers length.

2.Bull (vrishabha): These men are generally fat and are able to please all types of females and their fluids smell like acids.The size of organ ranges 9 fingers in length

3. Horse(ashva) : These men are generally long and limbs are not actually straight. Their fluids are like butter and smell like acid. His organ is 12 fingers length.

with inspection of tables ,in these unequal unions when male exceeds the size of female and vice a versa  discomfort increases which can lead to displeasure .
so it should be noted.

very important  :
About women 
In first union or initial few unions women derive little pleasure ,since they hardly have any emotional link with their partners .
whatever may be the reason it takes a time to gain satisfaction and it happens after long time .They get more and more satisfaction 
during later unions ,they get emotionally connected to derive satisfaction in a shorter time . 

About men 
men at the time of first union ,are well equipped emotionally and derive satisfaction from act soon ;at the second time they have little emotional 
background and get satisfaction after a long time .

so men and women both need to understand this as soon as possible .

flow of veerya or semen
The fall of the semen of the man takes place only at the end of coition, while the semen of the woman falls continually, 
and after the semen of both has all fallen away they wish for the discontinuance of coition."

Before getting into union ,the symptoms of  satisfaction in women should be laid down

As soon as she commences to enjoy pleasure ,the eyes are half closed and  watery ; the body becomes cold ;the breath after being hard and jerky 
is expired in sobs or sighs ; lower limbs are limply stretched out after a period of rigidity ; a rising outflow of love and affection appear,with kisses 
and sportive gestures ; and finally she seems as if about to swoon ( lose conciousness).

At such time , a disaste for further embracements and blandishments become manifest then the husband should know that her orgasm has taken place. 

and now symptoms of dissatisfaction .

Dissatisfied woman often wrings her hands ,strikes her partner and does not let him rest ,but suddenly climbs over him in purushayita posture of her free 
will when he is lied down , continues to go on moving after the man has finished.

one have to understand there are different ways to approach women ( according to the body types ) for deriving out the best pleasure.

Oral gratification .
According to kamasutra ,ananga ranga and rati rahasya in union between man and woman he should not put  his organ anywhere in her body 
except yoni .

 so if you are thinking about B.J please drop that plan because the author says the intense pleasure can be attained by yoni alone and if such intense pleasure methods are available then why to do it and oral methods of putting the organ in the mouth is been prescribed for the transgenders , lesbians and Gays because they don't have any methods to gratify themselves except this .

so oral methods are been said for that people alone .
However they didn't condemn it, one can decide it with partner.
However brahmanas(who do poojas, chant suktas) are not allowed to do it.

Anal gratification

Ananga ranga considers it as low union method which doesn't give much pleasure and according to the author it gives discomfort to both partners .so whoever is thinking about it , according to books it won't work.

The union 
the woman is lying on his bed,

 and is as it were abstracted by his conversation, he should loosen the knot of
her under garments,

 and when she begins to dispute with him, he should overwhelm her with kisses.
Then when his organ is erect he should touch her with his hands in various places, and gently manipulate various parts of the body .

(for  kissing ,scratching and manipulation techniques one should read the book link available Here)

 If the woman is bashful, and if it is the first time that they have come together, the man should place his hands between her thighs, which she would probably keep close together, and if she is a  young girl (above 16 and under 30) , he should first get his hands upon her breasts, which she would probably cover with her own hands,

 and under her armpits and on her neck. If however she is a seasoned woman ( 30 to 55) he should do whatever is agreeable either to him or to her, and whatever is fitting for the occasion. After this he should take hold of her hair, and hold her chin in his fingers for the purpose of kissing her.

On this, if she is a young girl, she will become bashful and close her eyes. Any how he should gather from the action of the woman what things would be pleasing to her during congress.

Here Suvarnanabha says that while a man is doing to the woman what he likes best during congress, 
he should always make a point of pressing those parts of her body on which she turns her eyes.

union with unequal sizes ( less deep and more in length of organ )

On the occasion of a "high union " the Mrigi (deerwoman) should lie down in such a way as to widen her yoni,

The deer-woman has the following three ways of lying
The widely opened position.
The yawning position.
The position of the wife of Indra ( indrani)

( 1 ) When she lowers her head and raises her middle parts,
it is called the "widely opened position." At such a time the
man should apply some unguent, so as to make the entrance easy.

(2) When she raises her thighs and keeps them wide apart
and engages in union, it is called the "yawning position."

(3) When she places her thighs with her legs doubled on them upon her sides, and thus engages in union, it is called
the position of Indrani, and this is learnt only by practice.

Union of ( more depth but shorter length ) 
while in a "low congress" the Hastini (elephant-woman) and others  should lie down so as to contract hers.

In the "low congress" the women should particularly make use of medicine, to cause her desires to be satisfied quickly.

 But in an "equal congress" they should lie down in the natural position ( as per they like )

The said above concerning the Mrigi and the Hastini applies also to the Ashvini (mare-woman) .

Union when man is exhausted and woman didn't

In such cases the man should rub the yoni of the woman with his hand and fingers (as the elephant rubs anything with his trunk)
 before engaging in union, until it is softened, and after that is done he should proceed to put his organ into her.

Method of inserting penis ( BY MALES)

Moving forward.
 When the organs are brought together properly and
directly it is called "moving the organ forward."

Friction or churning
 When the lingam is held with the hand, and turned
all round in the yoni, it is called "churning."

 When the yoni is lowered, and the upper part of
it is struck with the lingam, it is called "piercing."

When the same thing is done on the lower part of
the yoni, it is called "rubbing."

When the yoni is pressed by the lingam for a long
time, it is called "pressing."

Giving a blow.
When the lingam is removed to some distance from
the yoni, and then forcibly strikes it, it is called "giving a

The blow of a boar.
When only one part of the yoni is rubbed with the
lingam, it is called the "blow of a boar."

The blow of a bull.
When both sides of the yoni are rubbed in this way,
it is called the "blow of a bull."

The sporting of a sparrow.
When the lingam is in the yoni, and is moved up and
down frequently, and without being taken out, it is called
the "sporting of a sparrow." This takes place at the end of


When a woman acts the part of a man, she has the following
things to do in addition to the nine given above, viz.

The pair of tongs.

 When the woman holds the lingam in her yoni,
draws it in, presses it, and keeps it thus in her for a long
time, it is called the "pair of tongs."

 the above ones can be practiced but the below 2 techniques are difficult .

The top.

 When, while engaged in congress, she turns round
like a wheel, it is called the "top." This is learnt by practice

The swing,

 When, on such an occasion, the man lifts up the
middle part of his body, and the woman turns round her
middle part, it is called the "swing."

When the woman is tired, she should place her forehead on
that of her lover, and should thus take rest without disturbing
the union of the organs, and when the woman has rested
herself the man should turn round and begin the congress

Ananga ranga states intense sexual union can be experienced by the woman ,if one has union after 
woman had danced or came after journey ( meaning is she should be tired after work ) or if both partners are meeting each other after a very long time can derived immense  pleasure  .

or try woman on top position however one should avoid doing this pose( woman on top) with woman under these conditions

1. one who recently delivered a child who is menstruating 
3 .one who is of deer type who is corpulent
5. one who is emaciated 
6. one who is new to it. 

premature ejaculation

 one who has this problem of  premature ejaculation during the union when it feels for climax one should start thinking about random things 
like tree outside house ,death of a person etc ..when the necessity for climax gets faded then one should again start with the union.
thus the problem of premature ejaculation can be solved 

Medicinal part

those who are not able to ejaculate ,they are been adviced to read charaka samhita for medicinal recepies for boosting male semen.
and for women who are not able to ejaculate its been adviced to read medicinal recepies from ananga ranga .
And for fertility and other things are been mentioned in ananga ranga and Rati rahasya .

pleasing methods for: 

padmini: she should be pleased by adopting into lotus posture or pankaja posture

shankhini : she should be pleased by adopting into venudarita( split bamboo) posture .

hastini : by adoption into skandapadayugala posture ( legs rest on shoulders)

chitrini : by adoption of nagara posture or snake posture .

These information is still incomplete so its been adviced to read the books ,book link Here



  1. Osm 😍 knowledgeable 🙌🏼

  2. Hi about nagara posture, i doubt whether it is originally the one in the picture shown. Is not it the one "Nagara-uttana-bandha" on


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