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Caste system in Hinduism

So it doesn’t matter how many verses in puranas  it only matters what the shruti (  Vedasa and upanishads) teach.

The principal verse in the Veda describing the caste system comes from Rig Veda 10:90:12 - this verse is the supreme judgement in this matter -

It says that the four castes are the limbs of society like that of the Cosmic Being. How does it describe them?

From the mouth of the Social Being - the Brahmins arose.

From the arms - the Kshatriyas were created.

From the thighs the Vaishyas too [were created]

From the feet - the Shudras were BORN.

So this seminal verse on the varna-system clearly states that the 3 varnas are “created” but only the Sudra Varna is born.

This is then confirmed in the Upanishads (Vajra-sūcika Upaniṣad) many Smritis and Itihasas .
This is the case of uniformity of birth established — EVERYONE is born a Sudra by DEFAULT. Confirmed in the Mahābhārata:–

The cause of brahmanhood is not birth, or sacraments, or learning or progeny, good conduct alone is the cause. (MB. Anusasana Parva 143:50)

He in whom is seen truthfulness, charity, forgiveness, good conduct, absence of anger, austerity and compassion; he is a brahmin. (MB Vana Parva 179;21)

As well as in
vashistha dharmashastra
chapter 2

2. Three castes, Brâhmanas, Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, (are called) twice-born.

3. Their first birth is from their mother; the second from the investiture with the sacred girdle. In that (second birth) the Sâvitrî is the mother, but the teacher is said to be the father.

4. They call the teacher father, because he gives instruction in the Veda.

Now if you take the opposite argument that people are born as Brahmins etc. then there are verse which also qualify this statement.

Vashistha dharmashastra chapter 2 verse
6.Hârîta also quotes (the following verse): 'No religious rite can be performed by a (child) before he has been girt with the sacred girdle, since he is on a level with a Sûdra before his (new) birth from the Veda.

 Manu himself has stated that one’s birth as Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya (traivarnika) does not confer automatic privilege and status. That has to be confirmed by four things:–

Upanayana - initiation

Veda-adhyayana - study of the Vedas

Trikala Sandhya-vandana performed daily.

Ācāram - fulfilling all the rules and regulations incumbent on a traivarnika ( 3 varnas )

Failure to comply with these four conditions forthwith renders one an OUTCASTE (vrātya) - which is lower in status than a Sudra

Before diving deeper read this as well..

yathemāṁ vācaṁ kalyāṇīṁ avadāni janebhyaḥ | brahma rājanyābhyāṁ śūdrāya caryāya ca svayāya caraṇāya ca ||

Just as I have revealed this salutary auspicious teachings to all humans, so should you. I have revealed the Vedic truth to brahmins, kshatriyas, sudras and Aryas, to personal servants and to the lowest of servants (araṇāya) also. (Sukla Yajur Veda 26:2)

So according to this verse everyone is entitled to and eligible for Spiritual Knowledge
So the whole caste system has thus been subverted and demolished by Manu  and vashistha and other (dharma shastra authors ) themselves  2000 years ago .

According to Manu, Sudras are higher in social status than all those fallen traivarnikas who have failed to get initiated, have abandoned Vedic study, have neglected their Sandhya and are violating all the rules of ācāram

So in addition to the nasty things Manu says about Sudras - we should also balance those prejudicial attitudes with his abhorrence of fallen Brahmins!

Manu’s views on fake Brahmins

Manu 2:39. After those (periods, men of) these three (castes) who have not received the sacrament at the proper time, become Vratyas (outcasts), excluded from the Savitri (initiation) and despised by the Aryans.

Manu 2:40. With such (fallen) men, if they have not been purified according to the rule, let no Brahmana ever, even in times of distress, form a connection either through the Veda or by marriage (because they are outcastes).

Manu 2:157. As an elephant made of wood, as an antelope made of leather, such is an unlearned Brahmana; those three have nothing but the names (of their kind).

Manu 2:158. As a eunuch is unproductive with women, as a cow with a cow is unprolific, and as a gift made to an ignorant man yields no reward, even so is a Brahmana useless, who (does) not (know) the Vedas.

Manu 2:168. A twice-born man who, not having studied the Veda, applies himself to other (and worldly study), soon falls, even while living, to the condition of a Sudra and his descendants (after him).

Manu 2:103. But he who does not (perform Sandhya Vandana) standing in the morning, nor sitting in the evening, shall be excluded, like a Sudra, from all the duties and rights of an Dvija.

Manu 3:168. As a fire of dry grass is (unable to consume the offerings and is quickly) extinguished, even so (is it with) an unlearned Brahmana; ceremonial meals must not be given to him, since it (would be) offered in ashes.

Manu 3:179. And if a Brahmana, though learned in the Veda, accepts through covetousness a gift from such (a man at a sraddha), he will quickly perish, like a vessel of unburnt clay in water.

Manu 4:192. (A man) who knows the law should not offer even water to a Brahmana who acts like a cat, nor to a Brahmana who acts like a heron, nor to one who is unacquainted with the Veda.

Manu 4:195. (A man) who, ever covetous, displays the flag of virtue, (who is) a hypocrite, a deceiver of the people, intent on doing injury, (and) a detractor (from the merits) of all men, one must know to be one who acts like a cat.

Manu 4:196. That Brahmana, who with downcast look, of a cruel disposition, is solely intent on attaining his own ends, dishonest and falsely gentle, is one who acts like a heron.

Manu 4:197. Those Brahmanas who act like herons, and those who display the characteristics of cats, fall in consequence of that wicked mode of acting into (the hell called) Andhatamisra.

Manu 8: 102. Brahmanas who tend cattle, who trade, who are mechanics, actors (or singers), menial servants or usurers (bankers), the (judge) shall treat like Sudras

Manuphobes please pay strict attention!!) The truth be known, almost all the cases of oppression, persecution and discrimination against Dalits are done by Vrātyas and not true Brahmins who are too busy observing rules and regulations and studying the Vedas.


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