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Many think kamasutra means variety of sexual poses derived from yoga
thanks to  perverted mindset of Indians and the people from west .

kamasutra in actuality
contents of kamasutra

it tells about various aspects of people.
it tells about importance of dharma( virtue) ,artha(wealth)  ,kama(pleasure) and moksha (enlightenment or mukti).
 woman fit unfit for maritial as well as sexual happiness.
and the general description of people at that times

about different times of having a union
acts like kissing ,biting,scratching,ways to make love to a woman,
different kinds of sex and love quarrels.
oral sex and different kinds of genital stimulation

kanya samprayukta
it tells about finding a bride
creating confidence in a girl
different types of marriage and so on

tells about the role of wife and the duties of the wife

tells us about sexual standards  to maintain
tells us about  with whom we should have sexual relations etc
generally it means its a proper  dos and don'ts about having relations with people

tells us about the sexual union with prostitutes and gains and losses through her
which prostitute you should be having and the proper methods and guidelines for having relations with prostitutes

deals with the medicinal part ,it tells us the way to trigger hormones ,increasing sexual virility ,methods to enlarge the genitals and increasing fertility in woman.

General viewpoints and things which i consider from kamasutra that you all should know

1.Sage vatsyayana allows Gandharva vivaha ( love marriage) and there is no harm from it.
2.Never force yourself on a woman for sex, union should be done with acceptance of both people.
3.Never do sexual acts in public it should always be kept secret between couples ( even kissing).
4.need sex ? ask with woman directly ( again not in public)( in case of other woman than wife)
5 .Her satisfaction is also important otherwise it will lead to affairs.
6. Horoscope matching( kundali milan )is necessary ,( in order to know the sexual character of both)
7.sexual union should be done after 3 days of marriage in those three days both partners should try to communicate with each other.
8. marriage should be done before having any physical relationships (it is for people with whom you want to  be serious)
9. sex is not entire life, its a  part of life ,after a particular age person should strive for moksha

selection of man ( for woman)

'A girl who is much sought after should marry the man that she likes, and whom she thinks would be obedient to her, and capable of giving her pleasure.

woman should marry a husband who is obedient but yet master of himself, though he be poor and not good looking, 
 woman should not marry one who is common to many women, even though he be handsome and attractive.

. A man who is of a low mind, who has fallen from his social position, and who is much given to travelling, does not deserve to be married; 

woman should not marry a man  who has many wives and children, or one who is devoted to sport and gambling, and who comes to his wife only when he likes. 

selection of  woman ( for man)
1.Girl should be of  same caste, and a virgin, should be married.
 the results of such a union are the acquisition of Dharma and Artha, offspring, affinity, increase of friends, and untarnished love. should fix his affections upon a girl who is of good family, whose parents are alive, and who is three years or more younger than himself. 

3.She should be born of a highly respectable family, possessed of wealth, well connected, and with many relations and friends. She should also be beautiful, of a good disposition, with lucky marks on her body, and with good hair, nails, teeth, ears, eyes and breasts.

4.. The man should, of course, also possess these qualities himself. But at all events, says Ghotakamukha, a girl who has been already had sex with others  should never be loved, for it would be reproachable to do such a thing.


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