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Death Rituals according to hinduism

Death in fact is not seen as a dreadful necessity but as the greatest opportunity for
liberating oneself from Saṁsara (the cycle of rebirth). The concept of reincarnation is
the basis of Hinduism. Death is not seen as an end but merely another stage on the
seemingly endless road to Self-realisation and unification with the Divine.


When a person ascertains that he/she is about to die the priests are invited and worship
is offered to the family deity or to Lord Vishnu through the Salagrama stone. The dying
one prays for forgiveness for all the sins committed during the life-time. If he/she is
incapable the eldest son performs the rite of absolution on their behalf and charity is
given to the poor.


The dying person is also transferred from the bed to the floor. There are two reasons for
1. First of all it facilitates in the process of chanting and the rites which are being
performed since the Brahmins themselves are seated on the floor and also to help
the dying person to die with as much awareness as possible.

2. Secondly the bed would have to be discarded if someone was allowed to die in it.
If possible everyone should be permitted to die at home surrounded by relatives and
friends all sending out thoughts of love and affection.

 All weeping is discouraged
because this affects the consciousness of the dying person and causes feelings of
attachment and guilt to arise.

The sacred water and tulsi leaf are then administered to the dying person and the priests
and family members begin the chanting of the hymn of the thousand names of lord
Vishnu (Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram).

The idea is that the thought which occupies the
mind at the time of death conditions the future rebirth. If one dies concentrating on the
Supreme Lord then liberation will be obtained.
In many houseolds the recital of Garuda purana is been conducted during mourning period.


At the moment of death a lamp is light at the head of the deceased and will be kept
burning until the 12th day of purification. The lamp is kept burning and daily offerings
of rice balls and water libations are made.

The idea being that the deceased often does
not realise that death has occurred, and being in the habit of eating and drinking do not
realise that they no longer require physical nourishment and are therefore afflicted by
hunger and thirst.

The corpse is bathed by the family and dressed in a new unwashed cloth — white for
males and red for married females.

 A garland is placed around the neck. In the
meantime the chanting continues and the women are restrained from weeping in the
presence of the corpse. The corpse is placed on a bier and accompanied by the chanting of the Lord's name it is taken to the
cemetery for cremation.

 Although there is also provision made in the Shastra for burial,
cremation is the preferred method of disposal of the corpse.
The cremation ceremony is quite brief and all the rites are done by the eldest son.
Reason behind it is ,

its also been reason for desiring that the first born be a male was conditioned by the social
circumstances of the Vedic people thousands of years ago. The society was agrarian and
there were no social services — men were needed for the hard work of farming and
protection of the resources. Girls generally left the community to reside with their inlaws.

 In fact the Shastras also give
directions for an individual to perform his own rites prior to dying, in the absence of a

Having said this it should also be mentioned that there is also provision made for the
appointment of a daughter to do the final rites.

And the Dharma Shastras also state that
if one among brothers has a son then they are all considered to have a son through him
— because nephews are also considered as sons and can perform the final rites of their
uncles and aunts.

so the popular male offspring fetish is purely societal not from shastras.

The Posthumous Rites

According to the Scriptures our assistance to the deceased does not stop with the
cremation of the body. We can still help with their spiritual evolution by performing
rituals, and making offerings are their behalf.

The ashes are usually collected on the 2nd or the 3rd day and are disposed of by being
consigned to a river or the sea, or buried in a clay vase.

On the 11th, 12th and 13th day certain ceremonies are performed for the welfare of the
family of the deceased. There is the purification and peace ceremony marking the end
of the period of mourning and the return to the daily routine.

Days of Mourning

Death is also a period of major emotional trauma
the Rishis have  prescribed a period of ten to 30 days for mourning and

 The length of the grieving process varies from community to community, but
what is most important is that it must be given a channel, it must be allowed and
encouraged. Recognizing this inherent psychological need, our incredible sages have
given us the  grieving rituals! These rituals of death are designed
not only to benefit the deceased through our bonds of love and our prayers but also to
work through our own grief.

According to the Scriptures the period of mourning last for 10 days in the case of
Brahmins and 40 days in the case of non-Brahmins. The reason being that the
Brahmins are supposed to be more spiritually aware of the process of death and rebirth,
and being less attached require a shorter period to overcome their loss. If one cannot
take 10 days of from work one should at least take three days off and observe the
customs of mourning which are;—

1.Sleeping on the ground,
2. Abstinence from sex or any kind of recreation,
3. Not preparing any meals, and having only vegetarian food,
4. abstaining from visiting or entertaining guests.
5. Refraining from shaving or cutting hair and nails.

Unnatural Death
In the case of violent or an unnatural death such as drowning, accident, murder, suicide,
or a death from a disease a special rite
known as Narayana Bali is performed in lieu of the usual ceremonies.

In all these cases the victim becomes locked into the suffering and trauma of the death
experience and is incapable of escaping and attaining rebirth or liberation. In the astral
plane they are again and again experiencing the trauma and suffering of their death and
become tormented earth-bound souls. In order to release such a person the Rite of
Narayana Bali is prescribed.

Prayers are offered for their release and donations are
made to charity on their behalf.


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