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" if our activities while still or moving, conscious or unconscious are not for the benefit of other beings, they are equal to action of beasts "  : GARUDA PURANA

Dharma is widely used against hindus by the leftists to claim hindus as the oppressors. 

I heard may people say that hindus should be peaceful but there is a difference between being peaceful with the madman and the sane person so
Read the post thoroughly.

The elaborated form of dharma us been mentioned in padma purana
According to padma purana dharma has 12 components
6 related to self development and 6 in relation with others. 

Purity  (saucham)
The first principle of dharma is to have pure body and pure mind.
Hindus (practitioners of sanatana dharma) should maintain personal hygiene they should bath twice a day or at least once daily.
The rules of purity can be learnt from  elders because it covers from eating to ritual purification after occasions such as birth or death.

Worship ( yajna)
Worship of divine according to vedas and  agamas.

Austerity (Tapah)
Refers to simple living , have compassion and " samana bhava" (to have equal treatment to all either he/she would be rich or poor, ugly or beautiful)
And one should have the practice of meditation.

Self restraint (damah)
One should control his/ her behavior and one should avoid doing something in extreme ( even if it is good work).
And one should have self control ( control over his senses)

Study (svadhyaya)
The concept refers to study of scripture
(investigation to the truth (eternal truth))
Through puranas or the vedas and the Upanishads as well as self study or introspection, self analysis and cultivation of insight to oneself.

Contentment (shanti)
Development of a peaceful nature
Being contented with what you have and whatever comes to you (pleasant or unpleasant )with equanimity.

Non violence (ahimsa)
One should refrain from causing injury to any animal or human being either in word, deed or thought. 

And one should treat all beings with utmost compassion as one would deal with oneself.

Truth ( satya)
Practice of truth is speech and harmony at all times (with oneself as well as others)
And one should speak only truth and agreeable, one should not say truth if it hurts or harms others..
Practice if truth includes virtues such as straightforwardness, frankness, absence of deviousness and malice.

Generosity (Dana)
This has twofold reference
1. Giving charity to needy as well as to the society.
2. Gift of fearlessness to all creatures through cultivation of non violence  (ahimsa) through word deed or thought.

Non stealing ( Asteya)
One should refrain taking anything which is not given.

Forgiveness (kshama) 
To have love and kindness to all beings.
Veneration for preceptors (Guruseva)
The term guru  covers for
Parents, teachers, guides, elders and those who teach something
However insignificant it may be.

There is a very thin gap between being humble and being bad in hinduism so always remember this golden rule from Advisor vidura

One should behave to others just they behave with you. This is consistent with social polity. One should behave deceitfully if someone is behaving deceitfully with you and one should be honest with those who are honest with you. [ vidura neeti : shloka 188]


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