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The foremost important pillar of the four purusharthas .If not understood  properly person gets into  dharm sankat ( moral dilemma ) .
chaanakya says one should use logical thinking to persue dharma in one's life .
so its necessary one investigates properly before taking any decision in one's life .
Doing good work ,is the foremost dharma of human beings so do good  even it is little .

there may be times when we get into moral dilemma ,question arises inside the mind why i am doing it why should i do it etc etc at that time
one should think logically in 6 steps
1.what is the moral conflict all about ?
2.Is it imaginary ir real?
3.Are there proofs regarding the same ?
4. Who is on the wrong side and who is on the right side ?
5.Is it spiritually good ?
6.Does it bring benefit to anyone ?

take a pen and paper write these questions and try to answer yourself by the time you solve the sixth question you will have your answer .
ask yourself ask your  heart whatever you are doing is correct or not ,if yes go for it.
Take advice from elders if possible , talking to elders will surely sort out your Dharma sankat at max level

and remember Never Ever move against your dharma .

Artha .
There is nothing wrong in maaking money , In India larger public shun the people who have money and there may be
quotes such as : money doesn't matter ;i don't care about money; money is root cause of all evils
such statements are utterly bullshit .Money is the most important asset of our life and we can't live without it.
For making money there are 2 paths
1. shreyas( path of good) 2 .preyas (through flattery  )
as long as the money is been earned through the first way its good but 2nd way would definitely bring troubles
because from short cuts you can definitely earn money but sooner or later it will vanish.

and one should not be a miser to spend ( it doesnt mean to become spendthrift) spend it happily for getting your desires fullfilled because unless you don't satisfy yourself
then what will be the meaning of earning it .
another form of artha is knowlege and relationships always keep learning because that will only be permanent ,my mom always says " lakshmi is temporary but saraswati is permanent"
relationships should be always be made with good people and the number of true people will be the reflection of your strength and nobility.

here it doesn't mean only bed pleasures ,it meant for all types of desires and pleasures .

Chanakya says ' he should enjoy sensual pleasures without contravening his spritual good and material well being ;he should not deprive himself of pleasures '(1.7.3)
your material desires should always be based on dharma of yours and artha. chanakya says one should enjoy material pleasures but it should not contradict your spiritual well being and material well being
one should have balance in it and judge accordingly.

moksha is the very important spiritually for every human being but one should not escape his dharma ,artha and kaama for it
in this case chanakya says
'one should devote himself equally to the three goals of life which are bound up with one another.for any of the three( kama ,moksha and artha ) if  excessively indulged in ,does harm to itself as well as to the other two'(1.7.4-5)
so spirituality is equally important as material well being .
because unless you don't fulfil your material duties you won't be able to experience spirituality to its fullest .
so once you have completed your worldly duties after you can go into spirituality as a full time thing.
until then have balance to both .

the key is to have proper proportion to everything in order to run your life smoothly . Problems to any one of these would cause a trouble


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