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Lord vishnu : symbolic meaning

Bhagwan vishnu
The hidden meanings of all his accoutrements.

The shankha (conch)
The conch in his upper left hand indicates the first manifestation of articulate language -
A U M because when it's blown it produces the sound A U M

The word which is the root sound of all the words that you utter.

Krishna (vishnu) blows his conch indicates that he is ready to do battle with forces of evil (lust , greed, anger etc as well has his avatars like krishna, Rama etc) and for the protection of his devotees.

Chakra (Discus)

The discus in upper right hand indicates sudarshana  which means pleasing to see.
It's shown with hexagon in center .
Six points of two triangles represent six seasons in yearly time cycle, in the center is the seed sound (bija mantra : HRIM OR HREEM)
Which means changeless and motion less centre, the supreme cause.

The cosmic mind has the unlimited power which creates and destroys all spheres of existence (lokas) and forms of the universe, the nature which is to revolve.

It  can be seen as symbol of dharma which rotates and spins it's beneficial influence in all directions
and it also represents the cycle of samsara - The regular birth and death from which we want to liberate ourselves.
It is used as a weapon and it's speed is faster than mind - Represents the cosmic mind which destroys our enemies in the form of afflictive emotions.

Lotus (padma)
Lotus in his lower right hand indicates the manifested universe, the power that unfolds in all it's glory from the formless and infinite waters of causality.
It also represents purity in mind body and speech.
Lotus grows in mud but rises to the surface and opens to the sun - The evolution begins in the mire of the samsara but rises to the full enlightenment and purity.

Mace (Gadã)
Lower left hand is the form if strength and power, and the intellect is the highest power, by the power of mind we can control many people.
Thus the symbol of intellect or the buddhi.

It is called as kaumodaki ( stupifer of the mind)
The power of knowledge is the Essence of  life from which all the physical and mental powers come.

Shrivatsa (endless knot)
In the chest of maha vishnu there exists the shrivasta (endless knot)
It symbolises the way things are = endless and complex -- without beginning or end.

Vishnu is shown in standing posture as well as resting.
Here I would cover only the standing posture.
Standing indicates the full manifestation within our realm and capacity to comprehend - it indicates the immanence being. It is the divine in full action in which we live.

He stands on lotus which indicates the pure and unsullied lotus arising from the banks of lake is associated with idea of purity which arises from law of conduct (dharma)  and wisdom (Gnana) .

There are still lot of things which I haven't covered.
I will do it on some other day.


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