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Truth of shri krishna's 16108 wives

Many people claim bhagawan krishna to be the womanizer ( for marrying 16108 wives)
before making such claims on lord I would like you to show some of these verses from Bhagwata purana and vishnu purana to support my claim.

quoted in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (5.29.31),

 to the effect that there were actually 16,100 royal maidens imprisoned in Bhauma’s palace:

kanyā-pure sa kanyānāṁ
śatādhikāni dadṛśe
sahasrāṇi mahā-mate

“Within the maidens’ quarters, O wise one, that Lord of unequaled prowess found 16,100 princesses.”

Another relevant verse from the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (5.29.9) is as follows:

nṛpānāṁ ca janārdana
hṛtvā hi so ’suraḥ kanyā
rurodha nija-mandire

“The demon [Bhaumāsura] kidnapped the unmarried daughters of demigods, siddhas, asuras and kings, O Janārdana, and imprisoned them in his palace

shlokas from shrimad bhagwatam

ŚB 10.59.33
तत्र राजन्यकन्यानां षट्‍सहस्राधिकायुतम् ।
भौमाहृतानां विक्रम्य राजभ्यो दद‍ृशे हरि: ॥ ३३ ॥

tatra rājanya-kanyānāṁ
bhaumāhṛtānāṁ vikramya
rājabhyo dadṛśe hariḥ
tatra — there; rājanya — of the royal order; kanyānām — of maidens; ṣaṭ-sahasra — six thousand; adhika — more than; ayutam — ten thousand; bhauma — by Bhauma; āhṛtānām — taken; vikramya — by force; rājabhyaḥ — from kings; dadṛśe — saw; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa.

There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw sixteen thousand royal maidens, whom Bhauma had taken by force from various kings.

ŚB 10.59.34
तं प्रविष्टं स्‍त्रियो वीक्ष्य नरवर्यं विमोहिता: ।
मनसा वव्रिरेऽभीष्टं पतिं दैवोपसादितम् ॥ ३४ ॥

tam praviṣṭaṁ striyo vīkṣya
nara-varyaṁ vimohitāḥ
manasā vavrire ’bhīṣṭaṁ
patiṁ daivopasāditam

tam — Him; praviṣṭam — entered; striyaḥ — the women; vīkṣya — seeing; nara — of men; varyam — the most excellent; vimohitāḥ — enchanted; manasā — in their minds; vavrire — chose; abhīṣṭam — desirable; patim — as their husband; daiva — by fate; upasāditam — brought.

The women became enchanted when they saw that most excellent of males enter. In their minds they each accepted Him, who had been brought there by destiny, as their chosen husband.

so the story goes like this the demon king narakasura had kidnapped 16000 women and made them slaves and Bhagavan krishna  kills narakasura and he comes to know that narakasura had 16000 women who were been kept like slaves .
Those women saw krishna and they married him and krishna gave them each palace of their own .

here we have to look at 3 things 
1. Those women whom krishna married were slaves of Narakasura 
2. those women ,themselves ,wanted to marry krishna 
3 .After marrying them krishna gave each one of them palace to live and married them.
As I said in my previous post ,puranas contain lessons of vedas and its been presented to us in an indirect manner and whatever written in puranas may be or may not be having any historical evidence.

purusha sukta of mahavishnu states lord vishnu as
Sahasra-śīrṣa puruṣaḥ ……
 “the Supreme Being is all-pervading has a thousand heads, eyes, feet etc.”

vishnu sahasranama also describes lord as
sahasraksha sahasrapaat

supreme lord has 1000 eyes and 1000 hands

Thousand is a term indicating “unlimited.”

So the meaning is that the Supreme Being pervades the entire universe and each and every sentient being is an aspect of him only. All heads are his heads, all feet his, all eyes  etc.

According to Vaiṣṇava theology all jīvas are female and only Viṣṇu / krishna  is male - so all jīvas are naturally attracted to him and are linked to him and ultimate marry him through the process of initiation.

Narakāsura is a symbolic representation  for materialism which holds the jīvas  in captivity- Krishna brings the light of wisdom and liberates them and unites with them.

i hope this much helps 


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