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act of sex according to hinduism

those who get easily offended by erotic literature and those who consider sexuality as  derogatory 
please stay away .
Those who want to  learn its adviced to read with open mind 
and mature comments are expected .

Introduction and need for this post 
sexuality ,one of the widely mistaken act or nature of human.
Ancient Indians were pretty open about it  unlike now.
nowadays so called puritians of hindu dharma fail to embrace it .

kamasutra is been practiced widely over the world and its been neglected in India alone .
whole world is trying to understand kamasutra but we people are busy searching it on vulgar websites .
which gives unrealistic expectations about the act in the minds of both genders making them more and more perverted.

In fact in India most marriages end because of the issues that take place inside bedroom
and still its considered crime to discuss these things with our parents  ( which is entirely societal)
so its necessary we aquire this necessary teachings from our sacred scriptures .
Celibacy is indeed considered to be the ideal state during studentship, in
retirement and off course in renunciation.
{ note : i am celibate and i have no experience in lovemaking and relationships 
so whatever i provide that is from our scriptures } 

 The ideal spiritual householder should
also restrain his/her sexual appetites, but if this ideal cannot be met, then one
should indulge oneself within the constraints of Dharma so as not to cause the
accumulation of more karma. 

Many Hindus do not realise that sex is permitted by
the Dharma as enjoyment in itself and does not have to be only for procreation.
The following verses are given from scriptures with respect to  having sexual relations .

Scriptures have about sexuality to give a more balanced social perspective.
Rules for Sexual Activity Vishnu Purana. 3:11:

111. In proper time, under the influence of an auspicious planet and in
an auspicious moment or on even nights (tithis) one should have sex
with his own wife.

112 – 113. One should not approach a woman who is unbathed, sick,
menstruating, unwilling, angry, un-recommended, pregnant, unskilled
(adaksinam), in love with another (anya-kamam), lacking in libido
(akamam) nor committed to another (anya-yoshitam), nor if she is
hungry or over-fed. He ( husbaand )too should also be free from all these

114. When engaging in sexual intercourse (vyavayam) one should have
taken a bath, be adorned with a garland and perfumes, and be in an
aroused and affectionate mood, not disturbed by anxiety.

115. The special days on which the use of body-oils, meat and sex is
prohibited is the eighth and fourteenth lunar days, new moon and fullmoon
and the entrance of the sun into a new zodiac sign (sankranti).

116 - 117. On these occasions according to the Scriptures the wise
should control their appetites and engage in the worship of the gods, in
sacrifice, meditation and japa (recitation of mantras).

 And he, who acts otherwise, will be doomed to a hell where he will be constrained to live
upon faeces and urine. ( it wants to tell that one should not lose his energy during 
these days otherwise person would not be able to lift his spiritual powers.

118 – 119. Intercourse should not take place in any orifice other than a
vagina (anya-yonau),

 nor with other species  like animals or birds  (avayonau), nor should one
use accessories (upayukta)
{ cases may vary for example anga ranga advices to use artificial male organ to satisfy female in case of small organ} 

 or aphrodisiacs (aushadhi). Intercourse
should not be done in a temple, at cross-roads, in cow sheds, in a
cremation ground, in a garden or in water.

120. On the occasions (parvas) mentioned previously, as well as at the
times of sun-set and sun-rise (sandhya) the wise should not engage in
sexual activities.

122. A man should not have sex with the wife of another, and not even
think adulterous thoughts, nor should even discuss it with her.

 premature relationship

Due to erotic videos and literature available on internet the students who should focus collecting 
knowledge are curious about art of lovemaking. Due to lack of advice on relationship and body pleasure 
most students are getting into relationships  and  creating all sorts of trouble to them .
one can also see multiple girlfriends to one guy and vice a versa and entangling into things which should not be 
done at that particular age .
Its necessary one remain celibate till he/she collects education and have body and soul relationship after marriage alone.

so its okay to be virgin and its necessary to be celibate because you can't focus on 2 things at one time .

scriptures .
Kama Sutra - Wikipedia

according to kamasutra and other books there are 3 types of male and female organs 
males : small , medium and large 
females ( with respect to depth of yoni ) : small , medium and large .
so please (both genders )  dont get tensed if you have small one ,its entirely natural .
and there are various methods prescribed for act by sages in kamasutra ,anga ranga etc .

Anaga ranga says during copulation its the duty of both the partners to give each other pleasure 
and have orgasm. if not then both seek out other partners which can be dangerous .
elaborate methods have been given about the position and techniques .

for example.
(Purushayitabandha  ) In this case the man lies upon his back, draws his wife upon him and enjoys her. It is especially useful when he, being exhausted, is no longer capable of muscular exertion, and when she is ungratified, being still full of the water of love. The wife must, therefore, place her husband spine upon the bed or carpet, mount upon his person, and satisfy her desires.

intrested  readers can access the texts ,link available in bio .


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