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An introduction on dharma

dharma wheel tattoo | Dharma wheel, Dharma wheel tattoo, Wheel tattoo
it is the most misunderstood term and its a very important concept which seems to be absent in 
most of the individuals and many neglect it as a weakness ( thanks shows like ekta kapoor mahabharat tv serial where
people like  yudhistir is shown as a coward )

This post will be studied by 2 types of people 
1. who wants to know about dharma 
2.One who wants to know and teach it to others 

those who belong to second type ,i would suggest you to memorise this because if you want to teach it to other people 
definitely you will face questions so in order to answer them you need these keypoints so that you can answer it with valid proof .

so its important that we understand it  ,learn it and clear certain misconceptions and make our nation prosper like shri Ram Rajya   

first of all  What is Dharma ?

Definition of Dharma

dhāraṇād dharma ityāhuḥ dharmo dhārayate prajāḥ |
ya syād dhāraṇa samyuktaḥ sa dharma iti niścayaḥ ||

The word Dharma is derived from dhāraṇa or sustenance; dharma sustains society. That
which has the capacity to sustain is indeed dharma. (M.B. Karna Parva 69:58)

it is the science of conduct, the systematized principles according to which one should act.
 which is relative to the individual and one's surroundings and circumstances.

why to study and practice dharma?

dharmādarthaḥ prabhavate dharmāt prabhavate sukham |
dharmena labhate sarvaṃ dharma-sāram idam jagat ||

From Dharma come wealth, Dharma is the source of happiness, through Dharma we attain
everything, Dharma is the essence of the world. (Rāmāyana 3:9:30)

The purpose of dharma is to bring about happiness for the maximum
 number of people by creating harmony. Harmony between individuals of a family, between families of a community, between communities that live together in a nation. Harmony between nations that make up humanity. Harmony between humankind and the environment and other creatures that share our earth and harmony between earthlings and the inhabitants of other worlds.

Where there is harmony there is happiness, disharmony cause unhappiness.
The ultimate object of dharma is to bring universal happiness.

āhāra nidrā bhaya maithunaṃ ca sāmānyam etat paśubhir narāṛām |
dharmo hi teṣān adhiko viśeṣo dharmeṇa hīṇāḥ paśubhiḥ samāṇāḥ ||

Eating, sleep, fear and procreation are common to both animals and humans, Dharma
alone is specific to humans, without Dharma, they are equal to animals. (hitopadeśa) acharya chanakya also holds 
similar views w.r.t dharma .

The great ones like Shri Ramachandra by following the dharma created a harmonious  nation which
 is still considered as an ideal nation .

Sources of guidance on Dharma :
vedaḥ smrtiḥ sadācāraḥ svasya ca priyam ātmanaḥ |
etac-catur vidhaḥ prāhuḥ sākṣād dharmasya lakṣaṇam ||
The Veda, tradition, the conduct or virtuous people and one's own conscience,
This is declared to be the distinct four-fold source of Dharma. (Manu 2:12)

vidvidbhiḥ sevitaḥ sadbhir nityam adveṣa-rāgibhiḥ |
hṛdayena abhyanujñāto yo dharmas taṃ nibodhata ||

"Dharma is that which the wise and the good, without attachment and aversion, always
practiced, and which they acknowledged heartily (hrdayena-abhayanujñata) as dharma".
(Manu 2:1)

na dharma adharmau carata āvaṃ sva iti | na deva gandharvā na pitara ity ācakṣate- 'ayaṃ
dharmo- 'ayam adharma iti || yattv āryāḥ kriyamāṇaṃ praśaṃsanti sa dharmo yad garhante so-
'adharmaḥ ||

For Virtue and Sin do not go about and say, 'Here we are'; nor do gods, Gāndharvas, or Manes say
[to men], 'This is Dharma, that is Adharma.' But that is Dharma, the practice of which the noble
ones praise; what they blame, is Adharma. (Apastamba 1:7:20: 6-7.)

Dharma is subject to conditions.

What Dharma should be practiced and when depends on a number of conditioning factors:—
1. svabhāva — the nature and temperament of an individual
2. bhūmika — the level of education and development
3. adhikāra — their capacity to judge and respond.
1. deśa — place
2. kāla — time
3. pātra — circumstances, and others involved.

Dharma is subject to democratic consensus
According to the Mahabharata, actions opposed by the people (loka-viruddha) are as sinful as those
condemned by the Veda (veda-viruddha).

karmaṇā manasā vācā yatnād dharmaṃ samācaret |
asvargyaṃ lokavidviṣṭaṃ dharmyam apy ācaren na tu ||

One should strive hard through body mind and speech to practice Dharma, but, a (socalled)
dharma which will not result in happiness and is disapproved of by the people
(loka-vidvista) must not be practiced". (Yajñavalkya 1:156)

parityajed artha kāmau yau syātāṁ dharma-varjitau |
dharmaṁ ca-apy asukha udarkaṁ loka-saṅkruṣṭam eva ca ||

One should renounce artha and kama if they conflict with dharma and even dharma if it
results in future unhappiness or arouses people’s indignation. (Manu 4:176)

Dharma must be based upon reason.

The Bhagavad Gita expressly enjoins:– buddhau śaraṇam anviccha — “Take refuge in reason”.(Gita 2:49)

Manu says:–
arṣa dharma upadeśaṃ ca veda śāstra avirodhinā |
yas tarkeṇa anusandhatte sa dharmaṃ veda netaraḥ ||

He alone, and no one else, knows Dharma, who thoroughly investigates the (teachings) of
the sages and the body of the laws, by (modes of) acceptable reasoning. (12:106)


Personal virtue
 Social mores
National ethics

*2. DUTY
1. Sva-dharma – personal duties
2. Kula-dharma- familial duties
3. Jāti-dharma – professional duties
4. Samāj-dharma – social duties
5. Rāja-dharma – national duties
6. Prajā-dharma – duties of citizens
7. Yuga-dharma – duties of the age.
8. Puruṣa-dharma – duties of men
9. Strī-dharma – duties of women
10. Āpad-dharma – duties in emergencies'


1. Natural laws — ecology
2. Civil laws
3. Religious laws

Another division is :—
(1) samānya dharma — the common or the universal dharma and the
(2) viśeṣa dharma — specific or personal dharma.


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