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Alteration of scriptures


kvachid granthAn praxipanti kvachidantaritAnapi |

 kuryuH kvachichcha vyatyAsaM pramAdAt kvachidanyathA || 2.3

3. In some places (of the Mahabharatha) verses have been interpolated and in others verses have been omitted in some places, the verses have been transposed and in others, different readings have been given out of ignorance or otherwise.

anutsannA api granthA vyAkulA iti sarvashaH | 

utsannAH prAyashaH sarve koTyaMsho.api na vartate || 2.4

4. Though the works are really indestructible, they must be deemed to be mostly altered. Mostly all of them have disappeared and not even one crore (out of several crores of slokas) now exists.

grantho.apyevaM viluLitaH kimvartho devadurgamaH |

 kalAvevaM vyAkulite nirNayAya prachoditaH || 2.5

When the original work itself is so altered in the kali Age, What is there to say of its meaning which is intelligible (even) to the Devas only with difficulty.

hariNA nirNayAn vachmi vijAna.nstatprasAdataH || 2.6

 under the direction of Hari for its clear understanding, I shall state the settled truths having known them through His grace

shAstrAntarANi saJNjAnan vedAMshchAsya prasAdataH |

deshe deshe tathA granthAn dRishhTvA chaiva pRithagvidhAn || 2.7

 having well known the other (extinct) works and all the Vedas through His (Hari's)grace, and also having examined the various editions existing in several places.


As per madhvacharya there was a Ramayana even prior to valmiki Ramayana. It was called as The Moola Ramayana which  consisted of 100 crores of slokas which is lost for ever.

And majority of the texts at present especially mahabharata which consisted  of 60 lakhs of shloka are not been available to us in the pure form at present , its Adulterated.

so acharya says that he is writing mahabharata tatparya nirnaya   which covers the teachings from legendary moola Ramayana and original mahabharata so that we (the present generation) could understand mahabharata and Ramayana in truthful form.


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