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Naṭarāja performing the Ānanda tāṇḍava — the "Dance of Bliss".

In this icon we are been shown  five functions of the Supreme Being; creation, sustenance, transformation, revealing and concealing.

Ring of flames

The Dance takes place within a ring of flames which symbolises the cycle of births and deaths, thecycle of universal creation and destruction —projection and withdrawal. 

Mulayaka the dwarf of Ignorance

The god dances upon the back of the "Dwarf of Ignorance" known as Mulayaka. It is ignorance of our true nature that binds us to cycle of continual becoming and it is wisdom/ enlightenment that releases us.

The damaru

The hour-glass shaped drum (damaru) — held in the right upper hand symbolises the act of creation. According to Tantric teachings the act of creation takes place through sonic vibration. This primary sound is symbolised by the drum, from which all the sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet originated at the beginning of time.

The flame

The flame — held in the upper left hand of Śiva represents the flame of destruction and transformation. An object when consumed by the fire is destroyed in one sense but transformed into energy and thus continues in another more subtle form.

In the same way our physical bodies and the universe are destroyed but the Self (atman) continues to exist in a subtle form as does the universe.

abhaya mudra

The Gesture of Fearlessness (abhaya mudra). The left hand is held up in thisgesture of dispelling fear. Our greatest fear is that of death and personal annihilation.

 The upheld hand is Śiva’s assurance of protection and preservation. It also indicates the necessity of cultivating harmlessness (ahimsa) and affording the gift of fearlessness to all other beings that we encounter.

The Gesture of concealment 

by the right lower hand indicates drawing of the veil of Cosmic Illusion (avidya) over all creation. There is a very subtle veil that clouds our understanding — even though we see death all around us we each think that we are immortal. We know what is good for us but still we pursue that which is transient and unbeneficial.

left leg projecting outside

And finally the left leg projecting outside of the circle of influence indicates the way of release and liberation. By surrendering to the Divine Will and making an offering of ourselves we can, through the Grace of Śiva obtain release from the cycle of births and deaths

moon over head

The Crest-moon in his hairs indicates the power of sublimated eros, it is also the symbol of time - days and months.

the River ganga

The River Ganges caught in his out spread dread- locks symbolise the intention, the ability and the means of liberating all sentient beings.

The tiger skin loincloth 

— The tiger is the vehicle of Śiva’s consort Durga who represents primordial nature (prakriti) - Śiva is thus shown to be the master of Nature in all it's forms.


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