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Showing posts from April, 2020

An introduction on dharma

Dharma  it is the most misunderstood term and its a very important concept which seems to be absent in  most of the individuals and many neglect it as a weakness ( thanks shows like ekta kapoor mahabharat tv serial where people like  yudhistir is shown as a coward )   This post will be studied by 2 types of people  1. who wants to know about dharma  2.One who wants to know and teach it to others  those who belong to second type ,i would suggest you to memorise this because if you want to teach it to other people  definitely you will face questions so in order to answer them you need these keypoints so that you can answer it with valid proof . so its important that we understand it  ,learn it and clear certain misconceptions and make our nation prosper like shri Ram Rajya    first of all  What is Dharma ? Definition of Dharma dhāraṇād dharma ityāhuḥ dharmo dhārayate prajāḥ | ya syād dhāraṇa samyuktaḥ sa dharma iti niścayaḥ || Th...

pauranika sandhya vandanam

THE DAILY SANDHYA FOR ALL HINDUS  Preparation *. One should rise early and perform the ablutions. *. Wear clean a clean dhoti and uttariya (upper garment worn with the right shoulder exposed). like this : 4. A tilaka [dot] should be made on the forehead made with sandal paste or clay. 5.Sit on a mat facing the east in the morning and west in the evening with the pañcapatra (a vessel or water with a spoon) and a tray. 2. acamanam  *Sipping of water for physical, mental and verbal sanctification. * Water is taken holding the uddharini (spoon) in the left hand and pouring it into the palm of the right hand. The water is then sipped from the base of the palm while reciting the following mantras; om acyutaya namaha     sip water from the brahma tirtha of right hand om anantaya namaha     sip water again om govindaya namaha   sip water again 3. Anga-nyasam • Touch the various ...

Truth about dalits

Dalits are the favorite topic of anti hindu and anti national forces to defame India and it's largest practiced culture (hinduism) What if I say it's entirely societal not from scriptures. Check the following verses jātau vyāsastu kaivartyāḥ śvapākyāstu parāśaraḥ | bahvo'nyepi vipratvā prāptā ye pūrvā advijāḥ || The sage Vyasa was born of a fisherwoman, and Sage Parasara was born of a Chandala, many were those who though not previously brahmins attained brahminical status. (M.B. Aranya-parva 312. 106 .) The Mahābhārata also says that it is the qualities of a person that matter - not their birth status. satyam, dānam, kṣamā, śīlam anṛśāsyam tapo ghṛṇā | dṛśyante yatra nāgendra sa brāhmaṇa iti smṛtiḥ || O King of serpents, he in whom are manifest truthfulness, charity, forbearance, good conduct, absence of malice, austerity and compassion is a Brahmana according to the sacred tradition. (M.B. Aranya-parva 180. 20). ...

Act of sex in detail

As we discussed it in last post about sexuality in general with rules and regulations . The reason why i am posting is because if i don't reveal these secrets one would easily fall into wrong info circulated in name of  kamasutra. Here i would discuss the act more explicitly ,so viewer discretion is been adviced . so last time i said there are 3 body types of male according to books and 3 body types of female but ananga ranga and rati rahasya also states that there are 4 body types of female : padmini,shankhini, chitrini and hastini which get further categorised as mrigi,ashvini  and karini . These are general judments of physique so nearest body type according to category can be alloted because you usually won't get these exact body shapes . so proper judement should be done with respect to body type. So i would consider types of women and men then i would go towards  Act of copulation according to body types and the act . This info con...

God of love and sexuality : kamadeva

Kāma Deva or the God of Desire is most primal drive in the universe and therefore a force which must be reckoned with. In some places he is worshipped at the time of marriage. In the Atharva Veda (9:2:19) Kāma is mentioned as the supreme divinity, the impeller of creation. Kāma Deva is the principle god among the group known as the Viśvedevas or Universal Principles who are invoked in ceremonies pertaining to the ancestors.  Kāma is said to be Self-born but in some texts like the Harivamśa he is said to be the son of Lakṣmī.  Kāma is the personification of Desire in general, but the most specific and powerful of all desire-forces is the libido or sex-drive. Kāma has 2 wives:— 1. Rati — the pleasure obtained from intercourse and 2. Prīti — love and affection for another. He also has a younger brother named Krodha — Anger,  a daughter named Tṛṣā — thirst or craving, and a son named Aniruddha — the Unobstructed.  His best friend and eternal companion is Vasanta — spring...

act of sex according to hinduism

warning  those who get easily offended by erotic literature and those who consider sexuality as  derogatory  please stay away . Those who want to  learn its adviced to read with open mind  and mature comments are expected . Introduction and need for this post  sexuality ,one of the widely mistaken act or nature of human. Ancient Indians were pretty open about it  unlike now. nowadays so called puritians of hindu dharma fail to embrace it . kamasutra is been practiced widely over the world and its been neglected in India alone . whole world is trying to understand kamasutra but we people are busy searching it on vulgar websites . which gives unrealistic expectations about the act in the minds of both genders making them more and more perverted. In fact in India most marriages end because of the issues that take place inside bedroom and still its considered crime to discuss these things with our parents  ( which...

sacred Hindu texts

BASIC TEXTS Basics of hinduism : RAJNEETI Vidura neeti  : VEDANTA Tattva bodha (basics of vedanta)  : Vishnu sahasranama PURANOKTA SANDHYA VANDANA ( User handbook Kashmir shaivism Shri Tantraloka : Shiva sutras : EROTICS kamasutra  new print kamasutra old print   : ananga ranga              : Rati Rahasya              : More books on sanskrit and others would come soon

north indian version of marriage

North indian version of marriage ( based on Pāraskara Sūtra)  people ( especially modern ones ) don't understand what is marriage they think its just certain boring and too much of rituals with no significance . nowadays marriage is just a name sake marriage because nobody knows the sanskrit that's why people think its some useless stuff , so i would go only on explaination and signification of mantras and acts. Because if you understand this much you would understand entire marriage ceremony. dwAra pooja  The wedding venue is technically the “Home” of the bride, so the groom’s party is welcomed at the gate with customary ceremonies done by the women of the family. What is done varies from community to community but the intention is to create auspiciousness and to avert negative influences. Milini Milini is the “meeting” of the relatives of the two sides. Usually done by Punjabis. The respective male members of the two families meet, greet...