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Showing posts from March, 2020

Is Prophet Muhammad Kalki ? DEBUNK

Kalki purana 1.Mr zakir naik claims father of kalki is vishnu vyas and he says vishnuvyas is Abdulla ( father of prophet muhammad) tato visnuyasdh putram dhiram sarva gundkaram kalkim kamala patraksam provaca pathanadrtam tata te bramha samskaram yajnasutram anuttamam savitrim vacayisyami tato vedan pathisyasi After some time, when Visnuyasa saw that his lotus- eyed child, Kalki, who was a reservoir of transcendental qualities, was ready to begin His education, he called him and spoke with a gentle voice. My dear child, I will now arrange for Your sacred thread ceremony so that you can chant the Gayatri mantras and begin your study of vedas.(34- 35 chapter 2 ) tatcchrtva praha pitararh kalkih paramaharsitah vinayavanato bhutva dharma kamartha siddhaye rajasuyor vajapeyoir asvemedhair mahamakhaih nanayagaih karmatantrair ije kratupatim harim Being thus ordered by His father, Lord Kalki very humbly said: I will worship Lord Hari by performing the Rajas...

Death Rituals according to hinduism

Death in fact is not seen as a dreadful necessity but as the greatest opportunity for liberating oneself from Saṁsara (the cycle of rebirth). The concept of reincarnation is the basis of Hinduism. Death is not seen as an end but merely another stage on the seemingly endless road to Self-realisation and unification with the Divine. DEATH When a person ascertains that he/she is about to die the priests are invited and worship is offered to the family deity or to Lord Vishnu through the Salagrama stone. The dying one prays for forgiveness for all the sins committed during the life-time. If he/she is incapable the eldest son performs the rite of absolution on their behalf and charity is given to the poor. DYING The dying person is also transferred from the bed to the floor. There are two reasons for this:— 1. First of all it facilitates in the process of chanting and the rites which are being performed since the Brahmins themselves are seated on the floor and also...

Is prophet muhammad really mentioned in the vedas ?

prophet muhammad is mentioned in the vedas is claimed  by mr zakir naik alone . His excited dumb followers as well as some dumb sickular Hindus accepted his statements without even cross checking the statements . some Quotations which mr naik exploits is Rig veda 1.13.3 ,1.53.9 and  5.5.2 yajurveda 20.37  there are many more verses like these but here mr naik delibrately chose to exploit is the word ( nara shamsaha which means praised by men) he quotes all the verses in which narashamsa is been mentioned and misleads people by saying its prophet muhammad. vedas contain hymns and verses for devas like  indra ,vayu ,agni etc and there is no specific mention of muhammad . look at the following hymns rig veda 1.13.3 narasamsamhiha priyamasminajna upahvaye | madhujihvat haviskrtam || i kindle the fire in this yagna which is beloved and benificient to people ,the sweet tounged and in which obligations are put. rig veda  5.5.2 narasamsah susu...

Lord vishnu : symbolic meaning

Bhagwan vishnu The hidden meanings of all his accoutrements. The shankha (conch) The conch in his upper left hand indicates the first manifestation of articulate language - A U M because when it's blown it produces the sound A U M The word which is the root sound of all the words that you utter. Krishna (vishnu) blows his conch indicates that he is ready to do battle with forces of evil (lust , greed, anger etc as well has his avatars like krishna, Rama etc) and for the protection of his devotees. Chakra (Discus) The discus in upper right hand indicates sudarshana  which means pleasing to see. It's shown with hexagon in center . Six points of two triangles represent six seasons in yearly time cycle, in the center is the seed sound (bija mantra : HRIM OR HREEM) Which means changeless and motion less centre, the supreme cause. The cosmic mind has the unlimited power which creates and destroys all spheres of existence (lokas) and forms of the universe, the n...

Hanuman : symbolic meaning

Hanuman Is one of the main heroes of ramayana and his mention is also been found in the Mahabharata. Ram bhakt hanuman is the embodiment of wisdom (gnana) and bhakti (devotion to the divine) as well as courage( Balã) and fortitude ( courage and patience in difficult circumstances) . He is the warrior who is humble and has total submission towards the seva ( selfless service) of the paramaatma. But also has immense capabilities to do many valorous acts for preservation of dharma. His folded hands shows his submission towards Lord when he is in the temple of Lord Rama. When he is enshrined alone he is shown with his favorite weapon mace (gadã) . It represents cosmic order. It also shows the law of karma (cause and effect ) Gada also represents the buddhi Or the power of knowledge. Standing posture indicates Full manifestation within our realm and capacity to comprehend- it indicates that the divine in full manifestation in the world which we live in. He is s...

Ayyappa part 2

Manikantha Another name for Ayyappa is mani (मणि) kantha (कण्ठ ) Kantha means neck and mani means a bell. You can see from the picture that there is a bell hanging on his neck. As usual I will focus on iconography alone not on pauranik katha (story) Mani kantha has a bell on his neck. Bell represents Impermanence, the phenomenal world which we see is impermanent and Evanescent i.e quickly fading away. It also represents the creation of transient universe through sound - being perceived but not held or kept. Manikantha holds a spear (kuntha) In his right It represents one pointed concentration applied during meditation aimed at goal of perfection. Focussed attention at eliminating inner demons of delusion, anger, greed, hatred, etc. In other hand he holds Bow and arrow. It represents the concentration and focussing of mind on goals of overcoming lower nature and achieving transformation, enlightenment and liberation. He sits on the Tiger Which...

Ayyappa :Iconography

Ayyappa , the most famous deity of South India . He was not much known to people outside South sadly nowadays he is also been dragged to the court . However Ayyappa is considered to be the son of Lord vishnu and Lord shiva Now if you go by just sentence it would mislead you. So the meaning of the sentence is Ayyappa is the combined energy of compassion ( daya )  of Lord vishnu and wisdom ( gyana ) of Lord shiva. Ayyappa is embodiment of tapas or austerity. The deep meditation which generates internal quality of compassion and wisdom (vishnu and shiva) His iconography is very much simple He sits in yogic posture displaying varada and abhaya mudras. The icon of Ayyappa is yoga murti. These type of icons represent supreme Being in various meditation posture. They are worshipped by people who aspire for yoga or self mastery. These icons are established either in river banks , hill tops, in forests and the places where there is no human habitation. The...


" if our activities while still or moving, conscious or unconscious are not for the benefit of other beings, they are equal to action of beasts "  : GARUDA PURANA Dharma is widely used against hindus by the leftists to claim hindus as the oppressors.  I heard may people say that hindus should be peaceful but there is a difference between being peaceful with the madman and the sane person so Read the post thoroughly. The elaborated form of dharma us been mentioned in padma purana According to padma purana dharma has 12 components 6 related to self development and 6 in relation with others.  Purity  ( saucham ) The first principle of dharma is to have pure body and pure mind. Hindus (practitioners of sanatana dharma) should maintain personal hygiene they should bath twice a day or at least once daily. The rules of purity can be learnt from  elders because it covers from eating to ritual purification after occasions such as birth or death....


The idea of yuga has  multiple meanings first one is this When the king properly abides by the penal code following it to the letter, then that best of periods called the Krita Yuga sets in. Let this doubt not rise in your mind viz. whether the yuga is the cause of the king or the king the cause of the Yuga — know this for certain that the king is the cause of the Yuga. It is the king that creates the Krita, Treta or the Dvapara Yugas. Indeed it is the king that also causes the fourth yuga (Kali). The king that causes the Krita Yuga to set in enjoys heaven exceedingly. The king that causes the Treta Yuga to set in enjoys heaven but not exceedingly. For thus causing the Dvapara Yuga to set in a king enjoys heaven according to his due. The king however that causes the Kali Yuga to set in earns sin exceedingly. Thereupon that king of wicked deeds resides in hell for countless years. Udyoga Parva section cxxxii (132) 2nd one is the The end of the yuga cycle I. E the...

Science of gotra

Kula and Gotra, like clans and tribes are methods of identifying  kinship among people it can be called as the social arrangement or the social science. In all Community Generally the child gets the gotra from his father The gotras of brahmins can be traced back to the saptharishis And for other communities they have their respective clans For example There is an another system of arrangement in costal karnataka region which is called as " bali " In which the child inherits the gotra from his/her mother. There are three sources of Gotras. Your family clan learned from the elders in the family. When a woman and man marries, the woman joins the Gotra of her husband.(This doesn't go in case of " bali " The woman still inherits the bali of her mother only and her children gets the same bali of herself) If you don’t have a Gotra and are initiated by a guru, then you take the guru’s Gotra since through the process of initiation (dīkṣa) y...

Woman and upanayan

WOMEN AND UPANAYANA The Gobhila Grihya Sutra, which is based on the Mantra-Brahmana, while giving the details of the initiation ceremony, describes the form in which a woman could be initiated into Vedic studies and actually uses the word Yajnopavitini. (Gobhila Grhya Sutra 3:7, 13;) Leading forward (from the house to the sacred fire, the bride) who is wrapped in her robe and wears the sacrificial cord over her left shoulder, he should murmur (the verse), 'Soma gave her to the Gandharva' (MB. I, 1, 7).2:1:19 'In olden days it was prescribed for maidens the wearing of the sacrificial thread, the teaching of the Vedas and the utterance of the Savitri (= Gayatri Mantra). (Yama Samhita) 'Women are of two kinds, Brahma-Vadinis and Straightway married. The Brahma-vadinis can be initiated in the lighting of the (sacred) fire, reading of the Vedas and begging in their own houses; the brides have to be married after a sort of initiation, so says Madhavacharya”. ...

Polygamy: according to hinduism

Polygamy according to Hindu dharma shastras It is suggested theoretically by some that Brahmins can have four wives - one from each of the castes. Kshatriyas can have three (from each caste) the vaishyas can have 2 and the sudras only one. Sûdra woman can take a husband of any of the three castes above her own.  a Vaisya woman may take a husband of two different castes; and a Kshatriya woman may take a husband of one different caste. Almost all dharma shastras permit it But extra maritial affairs are strictly prohibited. For example Nārada Smrti 12;61 A man (married or single is not specified) is not punishable as an adulterer for having intercourse with a woman separated from her husband (through no fault of her own), or the wife of a homosexual, or a consumptive, if the woman herself consents to it. Nārada Smrti 12.78, 79 Intercourse is permitted with a wanton woman who belongs to a non-brahmin caste, or a prostitute, a female servant, a woman who has left her...

Types of beings in Hinduism

The divine and the non divine natures of Human beings are been dealt exhaustively in bhagwad Gita chapter 16 . The symptoms are 2 as follows. One possessing the divine nature is destined for liberation from the cycle of birth and death and the non divine is destined for Bondage and repeated Births and death. There are 6 types of conscious beings dwelling in 6 realms : 1. Animals 2. Hell beings 3.Human 4.Gods 5. Anti Gods 6.Hungry ghosts (pretas) and all these are the existing reality , here and now. And we create these ourselves. 1. Animal Realm state It is characterized by the creation of boundaries for themselves (comfort zone) , by Ignorance and laziness . And obsession with self preservation. 2.Hellish mind state  or hellish beings(Naraki) These people experience "Naraka yaatane ": The experience of narak within themselves. It is characterized by grief, self piety, victimization, Inability to go of one's suffering. 3. Asuras (Anti Gods) ...

Hindu scriptures

Scriptures In hinduism. In Hinduism there are no single most important scripture like the Bible and the Quran. Hindu texts are divided into three parts Primary secondary and tertiary and the whole purpose of all three type of texts are the same. Primary Vedas and the Agamas. Primary book is divided into two categories that is vedas : Nigama(Authoritative) And Agama (experiential) All sects of hinduism accept the Vedas as the highest scriptural authority. Vedas were written by multiple enlightened rishis which dates back to 5000 years. Vedas are subdivided into four 1. Rigveda 2.yajurveda 3. Samaveda 4.Atharvanaveda. Which contains hymns (samhita) and philosophy (Upanishads) which Deals bout the nature of the supreme. Vedas are not accessible to everyone is the same reason why  the Quantum mechanics and the thermodynamics are not generally taught to the general public. For learning the Vedas one needs to have thorough command over Sanskrit and mimamsa (prof...

Truth of shri krishna's 16108 wives

Many people claim bhagawan krishna to be the womanizer ( for marrying 16108 wives) before making such claims on lord I would like you to show some of these verses from Bhagwata purana and vishnu purana to support my claim. quoted in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (5.29.31),  to the effect that there were actually 16,100 royal maidens imprisoned in Bhauma’s palace: kanyā-pure sa kanyānāṁ ṣoḍaśātulya-vikramaḥ śatādhikāni dadṛśe sahasrāṇi mahā-mate translation “Within the maidens’ quarters, O wise one, that Lord of unequaled prowess found 16,100 princesses.” Another relevant verse from the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (5.29.9) is as follows: deva-siddhāsurādīnāṁ nṛpānāṁ ca janārdana hṛtvā hi so ’suraḥ kanyā rurodha nija-mandire translation “The demon [Bhaumāsura] kidnapped the unmarried daughters of demigods, siddhas, asuras and kings, O Janārdana, and imprisoned them in his palace shlokas from shrimad bhagwatam ŚB 10.59.33 तत्र राजन्यकन्यानां षट्‍सहस...

Zen story : lao tzu

I have told you the story about Lao Tzu. He was made the chief justice by a Chinese emperor who thought that he was the most wise and the most respected human being in the whole empire. He could not find a better chief justice. Lao Tzu told him, ”It won’t last long. If you say so, I will accept the post. But you don’t know me, you have just heard about me.” But the emperor was stubborn as emperors are supposed to be. He said, ”No. You have to accept this post.” The first case that came before Lao Tzu was about a great thief who had stolen a lot of money and armaments from the richest man of the empire. The man was so rich that he was lending money to the emperor. He was far richer than the emperor himself. And naturally, he had never expected what happened. The man – the thief – was caught red-handed. So there was no question that he should not be punished. Lao Tzu heard the whole thing, both sides, and gave the judgment that, ”The thief and the rich man, both, should be sen...

truth about sarasvati and bramha

The following story about the birth of Sarasvati is from Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 43:— Brahma got ready for creation, and while in meditation sattvaguna (sublime quality) began swelling up in his mind wherefrom a girl was created. Brahma  asked her who she was. She answered: "I am created from you. You fix for me a seat and duties." Then Brahma told her that her name was Sarasvati and ordained that she should stay on the tip of everybody’s tongue. You dance especially on the tongues of learned people. You should also exist on earth in the form of a river, and assuming a third form you should live in me too." Sarasvati agreed to this.  The Matsya Purana mentions:—Brahma created, from his own effulgence, a woman, who became famous under the names Satarupa, Savitri, Gayatri and Brahmani. Brahma fell in love with his daughter and noticing the fact she turned away to the right side of her father. Then did a face appear on his right side. To avoid the amorous looks o...

Shri Ram : lover or a Misogynist ?

SHRI RAMA : A LOVER OR MISOGYNST ? Shri Ram is always a target for the leftists and the so called feminist . prime arguments are 1. He never loved his wife 2. He forced her for agni pariksha  3.He sent his wife to forest when she was pregnant. for countering arguement no 1 i will  post that from valmiki ramayan this is what shri Rama says  to lakshman when Ravana takes away his beloved wife Devi seetha सीताया रहितो अहम् वै न हि जीवामि लक्ष्मण | वृतम् शोकेन महता सीता हरणजेन माम् || ३-६१-६ पर लोके महाराजो नूनम् द्रक्ष्यति मे पिता | 6, 7a: lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; siitaayaa rahitaH = Seetha, without; aham vai = I, really; na hi jiivaami = not, indeed, be living [outlasting]; siitaa = of Seetha; haraNa jena = by abduction, caused by; mahataa shokena = in high, anguish; vR^itam = enveloped - along with; maam = me; mahaa raajaH = great king [Dasharatha]; me pita = my, father; nuunam = definitely; para loke = in other, world [on my going there]; drakSyati =...


FOUR PURUSHARTHAS DHARMA The foremost important pillar of the four purusharthas .If not understood  properly person gets into  dharm sankat ( moral dilemma ) . chaanakya says one should use logical thinking to persue dharma in one's life . so its necessary one investigates properly before taking any decision in one's life . Doing good work ,is the foremost dharma of human beings so do good  even it is little . there may be times when we get into moral dilemma ,question arises inside the mind why i am doing it why should i do it etc etc at that time one should think logically in 6 steps 1.what is the moral conflict all about ? 2.Is it imaginary ir real? 3.Are there proofs regarding the same ? 4. Who is on the wrong side and who is on the right side ? 5.Is it spiritually good ? 6.Does it bring benefit to anyone ? take a pen and paper write these questions and try to answer yourself by the time you solve the sixth question you will have your answer . as...